Paydinar is a mobile application that provides easy transactions and buying and selling of gold dinars according to sharia.Weight of 1 Dinar Coin = 4.25 gr (Au 91.7%)#SELL BUY DINAR EASY & SAFEAt Paydinar, you can buy or sell gold dinars easily, quickly and securely from your smartphone screen.#NO ADMIN FEESPurchasing gold Dinar in the Paydinar application is 100% free of administration fees.#SEND PHYSICAL DINAR TO THE ADDRESSAfter making a physical purchase of Gold Dinar coins, they can be sent directly to the address via an expedition service or you can also make Yadan bi Yadin transactions.#CHECK UPDATED PRICECheck the latest gold dinar price movements every day on the Paydinar application.#DONATE & PAY ZAKATYou can make donations to various official institutions that work with Paydinar & make zakat mall payments with the Paydinar application.Download the Paydinar application now and enjoy the convenience of transacting gold Dinar.PT Visi Emas IndonesiaWebsite : www.paydinar.idEmail :
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